About the organisation

The Initiative is a private, non-profit, non-government trust organization based in Islamabad, Pakistan since 2013.
The Initiative was established by a group of public health professionals that had been working closely with the University of Leeds and University of York on tobacco related health projects. The team includes public health specialists, epidemiologists, biostatisticians and qualitative and quantitative researchers. This team of The initiative professionals brings in a variety of skill sets emanating from experiences working at national and international levels in the field of public health especially in research and showing experience of managing multi-year and multi-county large scale research projects. It has successfully implemented and published policy research and Randomized Controlled Trials.
The Pakistan team is closely connected with the University of York (UoY).The Initiative is presently supporting NTP Pakistan in delivering all work packages of TB and Tobacco project in Pakistan which is a multi-year, multi country, drug randomized control trial.. They provide trial coordination, research fellows and research assistants for carrying out field activities related to the work packages. The organisation also contributes to project meetings and help in study monitoring and dissemination activities. They have the responsibility of data collection, secure entry and transfer of data to work package leaders.

“An empowered society that strives for improved quality of life.”
The Initiative is committed to promoting an empowered society, of individuals who are conscious of health, education, and environmental concerns, are competent problem solvers, critical thinkers, agents of change, and are able to take charge of their lives remaining within the prevalent socioeconomic milieu of the country.
The Initiative is committed to promoting an empowered society, of individuals who are conscious of health, education, and environmental concerns, are competent problem solvers, critical thinkers, agents of change, and are able to take charge of their lives remaining within the prevalent socioeconomic milieu of the country.