Dr. Amina Khan

Executive Director, Public Health Consultant

Dr. Amina Khan MBBS MPH, is a public health professional and Executive Director of The Initiative since August 2013, based in Islamabad, Pakistan. Her main field of work and interest is in Health and Education projects (research and development). Amina has experience of qualitative and quantitative research, health policy, developing and managing research projects, mapping, training, and evidence based research, designing and pre-testing /adapting training materials, coordinating/implementing multicounty studies including randomized controlled trials and working in collaboration with international and local partners. In the current projects her responsibilities are overall coordination within Pakistan and with international partners, setting of trial sites, monitoring and evaluation, training's and capacity building of hired staff, supervising data collection, data management and analysis. She is also responsible for liaison and securing all the required approvals for smooth running of projects with concerned Government Authorities. She also chairs weekly, monthly and takes Part in International project meetings from Pakistan.

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